Appetite Autumn 食欲の秋

Autumn is my favorite time of the season because in Japan it has a nickname called appetizer Autumn.                                                                                                                 It means that it is a harvesting season and lots of Japanese people gets a little bit spacious because of the yummy food they harvest. For example persimmon, sweet potatoes (kumuras) and Dango which  is a Japanese sweet dumpling made from mochiko which is rice powder, related to mo-chi(sticky rice).

We eat it with azuki beans.

It is often served with green tea. Dango is eaten year-round, but the diffe
rent varieties are traditionally eaten in given seasons.

Down right : sweet potatoes Dango, middle: herb flavour and persimmon colour,

Down left: Chesnut(marron) paste Dango with azuki beans.












左下 栗とあずき、 真ん中:よもぎ、 右下:さつまいもだんご







No droughts in Japan 日本は湿気が多い

No drought in Japan!!

I walk out of the door at 6:00 pm at late evening, it was dark and something moved at my feet. I could not believe what it was. it was small like my hands, looked like a ball, color was brown and it jumped! guess what there was a big brown frog staring at me.                                                                                                           (but first I did NOT realize that it was a frog I thought it was a fluffy brown rabbit!)
Yes it was 100 percent that it was a frog, it gave me a big surprise, I nearly screamed out loud for help. But anyway it stared at me it nearly licked it lips I shivered and ran away. It was a big nightmare for me also it is raining so there might be some family and friends waiting to scare me and lick its lips, I wonder what their appetites???
may be continued………










