A fantastic comic book おもしろかった本

I was at the library today (in Japan) looking for some English books because I had been told. I surprisingly found one which is called “Japanese people’s little weird accent of English”. I snatched that book and went to the counter and borrowed this book.  It is apparently from a American man called David Sein?? Anyway I went home started to read it. Guess what it is hilarious!!!

For fun I will give you some samples.

* “He answered you need to call me taxi”.  It means someone wanted to call taxi to ride. Then Mr Sein answered “Tachiro we would actually say you need to call me a taxi.” He corrected him with a long laugh.   I love this comic because it is a mixture of English and Japanese.  I hope you will get a chance to read it.

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What a cute bird きれいな鳥

I am out the window looking at the tall buildings from my friends flat which is 5 storeys high. Today, out the non-spacious flat I can vision the grey sky, and some birds, suddenly I am very curious because the bird I saw should be a winter bird.

unfortunately I cannot tell it’s name but also showing the photos because they flew away very quick. It was very pretty bird. The color is grey and long blue tail on her. I have never seen those pretty bird here so very surprised.

Short after I saw few of them together. I hope to see them again soon.

I was able to take a quick picture before the bird scatters away,                                    also the bird also looks very unique too.

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今日 窓の外から鳥が見えた。グレーの大きめな鳥ですごくきれいな鳥だった。空もくもっていたし、よくわからなかったけど冬の鳥かと思う。





Ajsai Festival あじさいお祭り

Today we are having a neighbourhood Ajsai festival. Ajisai is a type of flower that bloomes in June. We have a food corner which had triangle rice ball, hot dogs, dango and soda drinks etc.   It started at 10:00am and I went there for helping at 8:00am for setting up the event. The event I helped was gaming corner which there were scoop the fish the water balloon, quickly catch bouncy balls and Wanage. There were also live music entertainment as well.

Let me explain about the game.

*The fish the water balloon. What you have to do is get a paper hook and you have to fish the water balloon in the mini pool before the paper hook dissolves.

*The quickly catch the bouncy balls. What you have to do is you will be given a flat spoon, the middle of the spoon is made out of paper, so what you have to do is scoop as many bouncy balls in the mini pool before the spoon dissolves.

*Wanage. What you have to do is on the tables there is lots prizes for example toys, soft teddy bears or snacks, what you have to do is you will be given a little hoop, you then throw the hoop to which toy you want.  Unfortunately you only get three chances.

Itphoto's 021 was a fantastic day LOTS OF PEOPLE!!

p.s this was the fish the water ballon.



Ajisai means hydrangea.














近所にお祭りがあるので、行きました。あじさいのお祭りで、いろいろなゲームやお店がありました。 こどもたちもたくさんきたり、人が多かったです。したくのお手伝いをさせてもらって、朝から準備を手伝いました。10時からのはじまりでしたが、8時に行って、ふうせんとか、ゲームの場所の手伝いをしました。
